coming soon ?!?!
Playing around on this ugly page ...trying to think what do I've to add ,just to update it ....
beside my 4 drafts ..waiting from me to press (ctrl+P ) to publish them .......
two of them are about some adventures ( this is how I like to title them ..) I had in the last two months ,one about the open source week that IEEE student branch in my faculty did ,talking about Linux,Ubuntu ,that distribution we took a crash course about it , my review for such a new activity in the university at all for open source world,and of course my expectation to publish an article like a tutorial in Arabic language ...... ( ><' am just so confused about that ...) My new job interview ,which is the first time in my life to have ,though I did some different interviews ,but none was for getting a job ,how stressed I was in it(but full self-confident :] ) ,my three golden rules I had to make it successful ,and thanking my god ,for having this new part-time job ,which is kinda unexpected for me to speak these word in my mind like "ooOops ,am100% grown up now !! no longer taking pocket money from dady !!ooh , I gotta start thinking of my future financially seriously !! :D "
You can see how simple minded i'm :\ now.... or I was !
another one in German language similar to my favorite one .
and nice Arabian lines I enjoyed reading lately ......
all of these are still drafts ...when am going to publish ..I really dunno yet ,currently alot of new events are on my calender ,one of them is the first of it's type to be held in the faculty ,The National Technology Parade ,alot is anticipated about the coming two days 13-14 /may .. and perhaps going to be the best this year ....who knows ?! ..hope I'll post more about it
I made up my mind to change this template ,may be ?
though I like the blue color ... gotta decide when ,or moving for a new site on the family's domain ?! till will tell ...I'll leave it to time
But the truly coming soon is a new Mp3 flash player I'll add its code to the right sidebar ,in a separate box ,the theme will be as in this image .....Any suggestion for 'nice' music pieces ?
note : Yoshiko ,this is for you :)
thanks for the picture^^
waiting for the new era for your blog, and please teach me how to add the mp3 part, it looks wonderful!!:)
A really nice blog design!
Nice to visit and comment on your blog for the first time :)
Hi Amani !
Thank you for passing by my humble ugly page :P
Hope you'll see some updates I'll add soon :)
Thanx again ,and come back again ,or subscribe to my RSS better (-_-)
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