pUrE AbsTrAcT speCulAtIoNs !!
Have you ever thought about the way you think & how you think you're thinking to think ?,
the way u think you're thinking of it ? ... ha ! (any help here )
now after reading the first sentence.. try to rethink how you first thought about it ok ?!
I mean do you know how do u know that u know it and you're not the one who don't know that he doesn't know it, or knowing that u don't know about the what do you know ?!
is it that complicated ?!, come on .. knowing that i knew what i know and what i don't know is a very important thing to know ,am i right ?!
so now you think what i'm thinking when thinking that am thinking about the thinking itself ?!
here i go .. what is this post ? from where these words came to my mind ..? i don't know if i know what i know about the knowing itself , and how to know what i know that i know and what am not ?!
thinking about thinking and how i think about this thing and not thinking about another thing is really a funny thing to think :D
ok relax now ;) , if u have any idea about what i wrote above ,please let me know that u know how u knew what u think u know ?!
interesting post ha ?!isn't it
try to figure it out ;D
rOrO !!!!
i think u r wondering about the thinking process ?!?!
i 've some idea which maybe helpful
u know that u 've the knowledge for anything because it has a specific place in ur brain
otherwise u will be sure that u don't know it
but how 2 be sure that what u know is true , i think there is no way 4 that !
u believe in all ur idea , this is sth we born and found ourselves into
interesting post ,,, i think u deserve "congrats" 4 it ;o)
p.s.... it's me Noor "ur best friend hehehe" but i change my name and i make some updates to my blog , if it didn't work i will make another blog in another site ,,, i do care a lot about the security
yah by the way i sent u e-mail 2 ur gmail ,,, hope 2 find a replay soon
enough talking ,,, c ya around here or there lol!
lol .. after thinking about what I know I think now that I knew it right way .. good thing to think about how do we think of the things we know .. trying to know what we don't know ^^;